Ghutrah: Crown man of Arabia

Ghutrah: Crown man of Arabia
GHUTRAH in the Arab region will also work to prevent dust desert.

By ROSMAHWATI Ahmad Zakaria

IF in Malay, the fabric used to cover the head of the man known as the Malay headdress, headband or play. In the Arabian Peninsula and some parts of Islam in North Africa it is known by several other names such as kahfiyye, ghutrah and mashadah.

It is a rectangular piece of cloth used as a head covering most of the men in Islam and is synonymous with the word Islam and Arabic. Ghutrah also known as the turban in Malaysia. Rectangular cloth is often available in three different colors and patterns such as white, red or black checkered pattern. It is only used by men in the Muslim provinces except in Malaysia it is used by women as a veil.

Cloth head covering is often made of woven cotton that is soft and not thick. The physical properties of cotton yarns used to make the fabric suitable for the hot weather in the region.

It is widely used by men in the region to cover their heads from the sun's heat and cover the face of the dust blown sand especially when outside the home. Interestingly ghutrah fabric is used in a variety of styles in folding among Muslim or Arab as their regional identity.

Basically ghutrah fabric used by folding the fabric into the shape of a triangle and placed on the head. However, to prevent the fabric falling in the wind or when doing outdoor activities, a user will use a small white skullcap or embroidered on the head before covering with ghutrah.

If you do not wear a small skullcap this, users can also use another type of accessory called igal which often looks like a black arch strap that is placed on the head after wearing ghutrah for the same purpose. Igal is traditionally made of goat hair looped and twisted into rope. With igal packaging, fabric ghutrah allowed to cover the head and the side of the face. The use of such force is widely used by men as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.

In Oman there ghutrah usage styles or folds that are specific to the royalty. Apart from the use of simple, ghutrah also can be folded and wrapped around the head so that it becomes like a typical turban looks in Malaysia.

Uniquely in Malaysia, ghutrah used by men and women. Ghutrah not be categorized as a special men's clothing, it is also worn as scarves of Muslim women in a variety of styles because of the nature of the fabric that is not hot and in accordance with the weather in Malaysia.
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